The Cookbundoon Soccer fields will be at breaking point again on Sunday as the Southern
Tablelands Football Association [STFA] will played host to 51 Female and Male Soccer Teams
with over 500 Players taking to the fields.
The local Association will play host to Football NSW Skill Acquisition Phase [SAP] gala day
that will see under 9 to under 12 Girls and Boys Teams from Southern NSW Western NSW,
Griffith, Wagga, Eurobodalla, South West Slopes, Gungahlin well as the local STFA Players
playing skill based games and being assets for the program. All games are made of 9 a side
The STFA will have 8 Team entered with Players from the under 10 and 12 Girls and Boys
development Squads and the under 12 Girls and Boys Rep Teams.
SAP is based on tapping into Children’s natural desire to play more games. It encourages
greater decision making and more game-specific ball control during practical sessions. It also
develops thinking Players and closely resembles the demands of the real game.
First games kick off at 9-00 am with the last around 3-00 pm
In addition to the SAP games friendly games will be played between the Associations under 14
and 16 Rep boys and the under 14 Rep Girls Teams.
They will play games against Wagga and Griffith Teams with the first game the STFA and
Griffith under 14 Girls kicking off at 9-45